Embracing Change

Embracing Change

Embracing Change:

Harnessing the Power of Energy Shifts for Personal Transformation

In the ever-evolving journey of self-discovery and growth, the energy forecast serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards transformation and empowerment. Last week's energy, symbolised by the formidable Dragon, brought forth a wave of introspection and revelation, urging us to confront the layers of self-deception that have veiled our true essence. As we embark on a new week, filled with the promise of new beginnings, it's essential to harness the lessons learned and embrace the winds of change with open hearts and minds.

The Energy of Last Week: A Catalyst for Change

The Dragon energy of last week acted as a catalyst for profound shifts in our thinking and perception. Like a mighty force of nature, it swept through our lives, exposing the cracks of self-deception and inviting us to delve deep into the recesses of our souls. Through moments of discomfort and introspection, we were confronted with the truth of our beliefs, actions, and experiences, paving the way for transformative growth.

For many, last week was a time of reflection and realisation. It was a period of acknowledging the patterns and behaviors that no longer served us, and bravely confronting the fears and insecurities that held us back. Through this process, we gained invaluable insights into ourselves, laying the foundation for profound personal transformation.

New Beginnings: Embracing the Opportunities Ahead

As we stand on the threshold of a new week, we are greeted with the energy of new beginnings and fresh possibilities. The doors of opportunity swing open before us, beckoning us to step boldly into the unknown and embrace the limitless potential that awaits. However, the choice to seize these opportunities lies squarely in our hands.

It is up to each of us to embrace the changes that lie ahead, to let go of the old and welcome the new with open arms. This requires a willingness to release the attachments that bind us to the past – the beliefs, expectations, and emotions that no longer serve our highest good. By freeing ourselves from these constraints, we open ourselves up to a world of endless possibilities and potential.

The Pitfalls of Resistance: Why Change is Essential

Yet, amidst the excitement of new beginnings, it's important to acknowledge the pitfalls of resistance. Clinging to the familiar, even when we no longer wish to, can hinder our growth and keep us stuck in stagnant patterns. By resisting change, we deny ourselves the opportunity to evolve and expand beyond our limitations.

Moreover, resisting change can lead to feelings of stagnation, frustration, and discontent. When we refuse to let go of the old, we rob ourselves of the joy and fulfillment that come from embracing the unknown and stepping into our true potential. It's only by embracing change that we can truly unleash the full extent of our power and experience the richness of life.

Harnessing the Power of Personal Transformation

So, how can we harness the power of personal transformation in our own lives? It begins with a willingness to embrace change and cultivate a mindset of growth and possibility. By letting go of the past and embracing the present moment with open hearts and minds, we create space for miracles to unfold.

One powerful way to facilitate personal transformation is through self-reflection and introspection. Take time each day to connect with your innermost thoughts and feelings, and examine the beliefs and patterns that shape your reality. By sitting and Simply feeling the emotion within, you can begin to unravel the layers of self-deception and uncover the truth of who you are.

Additionally, surround yourself with supportive and uplifting influences that encourage your growth and expansion. Seek out mentors, friends, colleagues, acquaintances who inspire you to reach for the stars and live your fullest potential. By surrounding yourself with positivity and encouragement, you create an environment that nurtures your soul and fuels your journey of personal transformation.

In conclusion, the energy forecast serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential that lies within each of us. Last week's energy, symbolised by the Dragon, acted as a catalyst for profound shifts in our thinking and perception, paving the way for new beginnings and fresh opportunities. As we embrace the winds of change and step boldly into the unknown, let us remember that the power to transform our lives lies squarely in our hands. By releasing the attachments that bind us to the past and embracing the present moment with open hearts and minds, we unlock the door to infinite possibilities and unleash the full extent of our power. So, dear friends, let us embark on this journey of personal transformation together, with courage, grace, and an unwavering belief in the limitless potential that resides within us all.

Remember, the weekly energy forecasts are not just reports; they are tools for transformation. May this week be a stepping stone toward a year filled with growth, fulfillment, and the manifestation of your dreams.

Weekly Energy Alignment

Focus for the Alignment:

Step into the transformative journey of energy alignment and embrace the power of change. Reflect on the beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you. What have you accepted as truth, despite wishing it weren't so? How have you been acting in ways that you've longed to change? Identify the areas where you've been sabotaging yourself.

In this sacred space of alignment, choose one aspect of your life to release and set yourself free. Let go of the limitations and patterns that hold you back, and step into a new realm of possibility and empowerment. It's time to align your energy with your deepest desires and manifest the life you truly deserve.

Intention for Outcome:

Through alignment, you'll liberate yourself from the grip of your wishes, emotions, and feelings. You'll finally perceive yourself as your authentic self, unencumbered by external influences.

Embrace the freedom that comes with this newfound clarity.

You'll have the confidence to forge your own path, knowing that no one else holds the power to hinder your progress.

Date & Time:

Monday 19th 8pm AEDT


Live and Recorded.

Available Worldwide:

The alignment is available globally, as Ruth’s ability of working with energy transcends geographical boundaries.


Your free recording of the alignment session will be provided to you. This recording serves as ongoing support and can be revisited whenever needed.


Allow 45 minutes

Subscription Options:

- One-off Session:

  - Cost: $30 AUD

- Monthly Subscription:

  - Cost: $120 Calendar Month

- 3-Month Package:

    - Cost: $ 360 AUD (Incl Private 30 Minute Reading)

6-Month Package

  - Cost: $ 720 AUD (Incl Private 1hr session with Ruth)

12-Month Package:

  - Cost: $ 1440 AUD ( Incl Two 1hr Private sessions with Ruth)

Payment Click Button below

How to Join:

Upon payment a Zoom Link will be sent to your email. Please add email into your Primary Email account for ease.

Simply click on link prior to the Alignment.

Additional Notes:

Please ensure you have access to Zoom prior to the Alignment as I start promptly.

The Alignment is Recored and the Voice recording is emailed to you on completion.

Download and save the recording. Use regularly to enhance and support your transformation.

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Listen Deeply, Transform Completely: The Art of Relationship Alchemy

Weekly Energy Forecast 11-17 February

Weekly Energy Forecast 11-17 February