Weekly Energy Forecast 7-13 January

Weekly Energy Forecast 7-13 January

Navigating the Currents: Harnessing the Energy of Preparedness and Lightness

In the tapestry of energies shaping our week, the predominant thread weaves a narrative of preparedness. It's a call to action, urging us to plan, organize, and set the stage for a journey where things flow seamlessly. Let's delve into the dynamics of this energy forecast and explore how embracing preparedness can be a game-changer.

The Essence of Preparedness: Crafting a Smooth Path

As we step into this week, the energy echoes with the essence of preparedness. Picture it as a cosmic checklist, encouraging us to organize our thoughts, lay out plans, and ensure that the pathway ahead is clear of unnecessary obstacles. It's an opportunity to streamline our actions and make room for the effortless unfolding of events.

Embracing preparedness is akin to being the captain of your ship, steering it through the currents with intention and foresight. It's about taking charge of your destiny and acknowledging the role your actions play in the grand tapestry of life.

Navigating the Pitfalls: The Power of Positive Thoughts

However, amidst the energy of preparedness, there's a crucial factor that can either be your ally or adversary—your thoughts. Our minds have a remarkable ability to shape our reality, and this week, they take center stage. Be vigilant against the tendency to look for difficulties or to convince yourself that the load is too heavy.

Take a moment to reflect on how you view yourself and others. Are these perceptions empowering, or do they serve as barriers to your growth? This week prompts a conscious choice—will you let your thoughts be a source of limitation, or will you reshape them to be allies in your journey?

The Power of Choice: Shifting Perspectives

In the realm of energy, choice is a potent force. You have the power to decide whether to carry the weight of negativity or to lighten the load by choosing thoughts that uplift and empower. Challenge the narratives that hold you back, recognizing that the way you perceive yourself and others is a canvas you can paint with positive hues.

Preparedness becomes a holistic endeavor when coupled with mental readiness—a state of mind that fosters resilience, adaptability, and an optimistic outlook. Choose thoughts that align with your true self, and watch as the path before you becomes more illuminated.

Embracing Lightness: Play, Humour, and Connection

In tandem with preparedness, the energy forecast highlights the importance of lightness. Imagine life as a dance, and this week invites you to twirl with humour, playfulness, and a sense of camaraderie with others.

In the hustle of daily life, it's easy to become bogged down by the seriousness of our responsibilities. However, the universes energies nudge us to infuse a spirit of lightness into our interactions. Find joy in the small moments, relish in humour, and allow playfulness to be a beacon guiding you through the week.

Conclusion: A Harmonious Symphony of Preparedness and Lightness

As we traverse the energetic currents of this week, let's harmonize the energies of preparedness and lightness. See them not as separate entities but as complementary forces, working in unison to create a symphony of balance and grace.

In the realm of preparedness, find empowerment in planning and organizing, knowing that your actions shape the narrative of your life. Simultaneously, let lightness be the melody that accompanies your journey—a melody of joy, playfulness, and an unwavering belief in the power of positive thoughts.

This week is an invitation to dance with the energies, allowing the cosmic rhythm to guide you towards a path of smooth transitions, illuminated thoughts, and a heart that beats in tune with the lightness of being. The stage is set—will you step into the spotlight of your own creation?


Weekly Energy Alignment

Focus for the Alignment:

🌟 Intention of the Energy Alignment: Shaping Your Reality Through Positivity 🌟

Welcome to the transformative journey of our Energy Alignment, where we unlock the power of positive thoughts. In the dance of cosmic energies, we recognize that thoughts are not just fleeting notions but the architects of our reality. Amidst the preparation for a seamless journey, we emphasize the pivotal role your thoughts play. This alignment is an intentional choice to shift perspectives, turning your thoughts from potential adversaries into steadfast allies. By signing up for our Energy Alignment, you embark on a path where positivity becomes the guiding force, shaping a reality that aligns with your highest self.

Intention for Outcome:

🌈 Outcome of the Energy Alignment: Illuminate Your Path with Empowerment 🌈

As you journey through the Energy Alignment, envision a profound outcome awaiting you. By embracing the power of positive thoughts, you’re not merely navigating the pitfalls; you’re transforming them into stepping stones of empowerment. Picture a path illuminated by the lightness of uplifting choices, where the load of negativity dissipates. This alignment is your invitation to witness a holistic transformation—mental readiness intertwined with preparedness. The outcome is a resilient, adaptable mindset, a canvas painted with positive hues that aligns effortlessly with your highest self. Sign up now and step into a future where your thoughts are allies, illuminating a path filled with positivity and self-empowerment.

Date & Time:

Monday 8th January

8pm AEDT


LIVE & Recorded

Available Worldwide:

The alignment is available globally, due to energy transcending geographical boundaries.


Your free recording of the alignment session will be provided to you. This recording serves as ongoing support and can be revisited whenever needed.


Allow 45 minutes

Subscription Options:

One-off Session:

  - Cost: $30 AUD

Monthly Subscription:

  - Cost: $120 Calendar Month

3-Month Package:

    - Cost: $ 360 AUD (Incl Private 30 Minute Reading)

6-Month Package

  - Cost: $ 720 AUD (Incl Private 1hr session with Ruth)

12-Month Package:

  - Cost: $ 1440 AUD ( Incl Two 1hr Private sessions with Ruth)

Payment Click Button below

How to Join:

Upon payment a Zoom Link will be sent to your email. Please add email into your Primary Email account for ease.

Simply click on link prior to the Alignment.

Additional Notes:

Please ensure you have access to Zoom prior to the Alignment as I start promptly.

The Alignment is Recored and the Voice recording is emailed to you on completion.

Download and save the recording. Use regularly to enhance and support your transformation.

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