Heal Childhood Trauma

When I think of myself as a child and the dynamics that played out in our home. I remember I use to spend hours hiding from my mother under the house! (Queensland homes were built on little stilts.)

And no we weren’t playing hide and seek!

I was terrified of her cruelness and lion taming ability with an electric cord…me playing the part of the cowardly lion…

As I grew up I went hiding from her to spend hours at the pool, a place I loved and adored and had so much fun and play there that I still dream of it.

So each day I would go from living in fear to having the most amazing fun and freedom.

Adult Love not Childhood Pain

The love you share or shared with your partner stems from how you learnt, felt and experienced love as a child from your main care givers..parents.

We learnt by example, so we watched and then copied them...even if it was ugly. We learnt from what we were told many times over the years as a child. We learnt by how we felt and thought from how others treated us…loveable, not loveable.

Now in an ideal world you were with parents who had a loving, respectful relationship and were compassionate, gentle, loving, supporting and encouraging of you. They were able to express, share and be consistent with their love for you. So you grew up knowing, feeling, recognising and being loved which meant loving now comes easy for you and you’re relationship reflects this.

How to be an Empath and Free of Taking It On

When you’re an empath, sensitive to others or feel others energy and feelings we feel totally overwhelmed, confused, start believing you’re not coping or you’ve got it wrong. For instance, you may notice that you’re questioning yourself, trying to dig up what’s wrong, asking “why am I feeling this way?”

Transforming Relationships: 5 Remedies for Harmonious Connection

In this age where tensions are high, relationships often bear the brunt of emotional upheaval. It's a pivotal moment to reflect on what's not working and strive for positive change. Now, more than ever, is the perfect time to mend, strengthen, and deepen your bonds with friends and family. Let's explore five powerful remedies to shift from feeling disconnected to fostering a supportive, cohesive unit.

Navigating Relationship Stress

In the intricate dance of relationships, stress often takes center stage, driving couples apart. With 22 years of experience, let me share insights on fostering happy connections amid life's challenges. Stress, the silent culprit, fuels arguments, blame, and emotional turmoil. The lack of guidance on managing internal turmoil leads to a build-up of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, culminating in anxiety.

Spiritual Remedies to Relieve Anxiety

In these challenging times, as we navigate the universal waves of anxiety and fear, I am here to support you on a mental and spiritual level. It's an opportune moment to share remedies that not only reduce anxiety but also reconnect you to the peace within.

The current landscape is rife with anxiety,

and it's crucial to embody your spirituality. By reinforcing and deepening your connection to the core of yourself—love, peace, and knowing—you not only support your own well-being but become a beacon of love for your loved ones, the community, and the world. Love, as you know, holds an infinite power compared to anxiety and fear.